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Businesses Must Have Key Person Insurance

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Key person insurance is a type of business coverage that is available to the primary owners of small business corporations. There isn't such a clear legal definition for this type of insurance as there is for the more commonly known types of insurance coverage, but generally speaking key man insurance is a business form that covers the principal owner of a corporation, a limited or general partner, and, in the rare event that the company is a limited liability company, also the owners, partners, and members of the LLC.

Key person coverage is an important type of business insurance because it can help protect business assets from the risk of theft by those who are not necessarily owners of the business. For example, the key owner of a business may have authorized access to all company computers but doesn't have authorization to alter any of the software on the computers or to obtain access to confidential business information. Under this type of coverage, the loss caused by a key owner of a business will be paid by the company under which the business is incorporated.

The benefits of having key persons insured include the ability to quickly find a replacement key person if they are unable to perform their job due to illness, injury, or even retirement. In addition to providing protection for business assets, key person insurance can also provide additional protection to employees who are at a high risk for losing their personal data and information by theft. For example, a key person of a large corporation that provides services like payroll services, cashiers, and warehouse staff may have access to sensitive financial and accounting information. In addition to protecting the business from the loss of these types of assets, key persons are also necessary for many other tasks that must be performed by those involved with the company, such as making payroll administration and processing. Get more facts about insurance at

It is also possible to receive key person coverage from a third party, especially in the event that the primary key holder is injured. This type of coverage provides the company that insures a business corporation with the protection of the third-party insurance company that insures other businesses, which can often provide more valuable cover than key persons themselves. It is also possible to receive key man insurance from the business owner, but this type of coverage is less common. Start now!

Most business owners that provide key person coverage for their business corporations do so because they believe that their investment in the protection of the company is worth the premium price. Many business owners choose key person coverage because they feel that their companies are too small or too new to warrant the expense. of purchasing separate group insurance policies for all of their employees. Also, some business owners feel that their employees do not have to be key people to be protected under their business insurance policies from this homepage, and therefore, do not need a separate type of insurance policy for them.

However, most business owners, especially smaller business owners, feel that their employees are important to the success of the company, and that without them, the business would fail. Therefore, they choose key person coverage for their employees. The premiums are based on the employees' risk of theft, so in the case of an accident or even a major accident or a lawsuit, the premiums can be expensive for the company. In addition, key person policies also provide protection against the loss of company assets.